native produce and animal by-product中文什么意思

发音:   用"native produce and animal by-product"造句
  • native:    adj. 1.出生地的,本国的,本地 ...
  • produce:    vt. 1.生,产生;生产;结(果实 ...
  • animal:    n. 1.动物;兽;牲畜。 2.〔俚 ...
  • product:    n. 1.产物,产品;制品;产量;出 ...
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  1. Certainly , i ' ll make an appointment for you with mr . jordan of the egypt national native produce and animal by - products import and export corporation
  2. B : certainly , i ' ll make an appointment for you with mr . jordan of the egypt national native produce and animal by - products import and export corporation
  3. The fair is jointly sponsored by 25 trade delegations specialized i metals and minerals , chemicals , machinery and equipment , metallurgy , scientific instruments , textiles , light industrial products , cereals , oils and foodstuffs , native produce and animal by - products and arts and crafts


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